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It Starts From 6 May 2003
Rainbow :D
The 牛 Year Celebration Continues....
Hong Kong No More...But Taiwan Maybe
hello ;P, i'm back
Leave of Absence
itchy hands...no more :X
sorry :(

!! VACATION BREAK to HongKong!!
Happy Family :D
Rebond my hair
Welcome 2 TAIWAN
A Tag Heuer Watch
Bling Bling Necklace & Earrings


It Starts From 6 May 2003 @ 5/06/2009 01:35:00 PM

Counting back the days, we have been Rom-ed for like....6 years.

When we got married, I already know he is not those guys who would create romance out of nothing. Used to hate that part of him....no roses, no cards, no dining at restaurants. Al these are just so NOT him. I have come to accept this point and eventually, we got married even without a proper proposal. Have I said that before? The 'proposal' was a typical Singaporean couples line...Let's go queue for a HDB flat ok? Apparently, he did not even said that line to me. Well, my mother-in-law said that on behalf of him.

Over the years, I thought I can change him in one way or another. Till todate, well, he might not be my ideal kind of guy but he has changed to become a family man.

He does not show affections to me openly but he does things for me without complaining much. He even does things for my family without complains at all. He helps in the household chores whenever he has the time. Though he might be tired, with not much off-days, he still does housework for me willingly. He still makes an effort to send me to work even though MRT is just within walking distances from my house. He can jolly well have more rest but then cos he does not want me to rush for the MRT, he will willingly wakes up literaly every morning to send me to work. The amount of errands he does for me, my son are countless.

I know he does breakdown at times when he is terribly tired and stressed out. Still, I seldom hear complain from him. The most, his face will just show that a 'Blackie Virus' is on the attack.
The sacrifices he made for me and his son are really huge. So huge that I have become very dependent on him for either big or small issues.

Today, it is our 6th ROM anniversary.

Though no big affair celebrations, still I wanna tell u this...Meimei, I really do appreciate each and everything you have done for me. I am really thankful for the things you have done, the sacrifices you have made these years. I am grateful that you have been there for me all the while. Thank you again and let's work hand-in-hand to make our lifes better.....

I Love You....(Shudders!!!)

Well, not really my style to say mushy things in public but then I have not been saying all these to you these while thus thought wanna let you know that I do appreciate you....

Stay happy and may Blackie Virus not attack you that often, ok???? :D

April @ 4/14/2009 09:54:00 PM

they promise me they will not 'give up' on me. they 'reminded' me time and again, i should be doing my work and update my blog. they told me time and again, not to 'keep' my blog inside my draft box nia....they....they...they....have indeed been following my blog rather faithfully thus noticed i have totally neglected 'truly mine sangenie'.

that is why....i decided not to 'disappoint' them, i decided not to let them keep reminding me. i decided to dig out all the drafts i have kept inside and do a post. hope i have not disappointed you guys...;P

i really have lots to say, lots to share, lots to upload (photos) but because i have not been doing it promptly, i kinda forgotten what i really wanna say...but hey, i wont be giving that as an excuse again...i shall run through my 'hard-disk' (brain) and see how much i can remember and put them in chronological order....as best as i can.

i remember a year back, i did blog about 清明节. wow! that would mean i have actually been maintaining this blog for like....a year or at least more than a year? not very well maintain lah but still, hey, a year or so le leh.

we always go in one huge group thus this year, no difference. we met up at my 二舅's house and then ‘浩浩荡荡’off to the cemetery and columbarium. at the cemetery, we prayed to our maternal grandfather and the ancestors. haha...never once would we be able to remember the ancestors well enough. like who they are to us, what kind of drinks they like. probably, should take up doreen's suggestion...that is to pen all these info now and keep it somewhere. we are not young kids anymore so somehow, we should be 'taking over' this task from our parents. oops! tomb-sweeping day is over. guess we will have to wait til next year liao.
after that, we adjourned to the columbarium. there, we prayed to 外婆 and 四姨丈. somehow, the 感伤 is no longer there though we missed them dearly still.

now, let's go back a week earlier. let's see....that was the week we went zoo or rather jayden's first zoo trip. it was really really really fun! we were supposed to go much earlier but due to delsen tight working schedule, the trip was pushed til april. well, i know i had made the others waited together with me....though it was over still i wanna apologise to all. as this trip was a trip that jayden's daddy promised him. therefore die die, had to wait til his daddy is free. which is why, the trip only materialised in apr. but then, even though there was a slight hiccup, i think it was a nice one still. agree?

i do have photos that i wanna enclosed but then i am too lazy now plus the photos are out of my reach so i lazy to shift my butt to go get my thumb-drive, then to insert into my pc, then to upload into the blog then to do adjusting...then and then...u know lah hor....basically, just plain lazy for now thus i would skip the photos for now.

though no photos for this dull blog but if you guys really wanna see, you can view them from my facebook. photos are all there.

once again, i gotta say, i will try to keep my blog up-todate but really no promise, ok ;P? busy with work, busy with my son....busy with everything but hhahahha...just not my blog...

Rainbow :D @ 2/26/2009 03:36:00 PM

So so happy yesterday!!! I saw rainbow across the sky when I was on my way home. What so special, you guys might say. The special part is I saw not one but TWO of them. They were one on to another. You guys would be able to see the rainbow from my pix above. Won't be able to see the other one that was on top from the picture unless you watch it real close enough.

My day was immediately brighten up after seeing the rainbow.


The 牛 Year Celebration Continues.... @ 1/30/2009 11:27:00 AM

hi guys, i'm back from the holiday. well, though not totally, not exactly but partially...:D

as usual, the families-relatives bonding time never fail to bring rounds and rounds and rounds of fun and laughter. it is a pity that i didn't capture all these wonderful moments with my cam though it was with me all these while :(. stupid me!

去年的今天,Jayden needed to be held on our arms everywhere we go. 今年的今天,he refused to be held everywhere we go. looking back, can't help but think again, time passes by real fast.

2008, Den looked like that

2009, Den looked like this

hehehehe, got difference? i'm sure have lah hor?

everywhere we go, somehow or rather, he becomes the center of attraction. he even did a duo dancing with his bestest cousin, Darius, on the first day of Chinese New Year at my 大舅 place. once again, this precious moments were not captured down cos i was happily enjoying the performance and forgotten about taking it down instead :(.

there will be another celebration this coming saturday. this time round, at my place.

i will try my best to remember holding the cam wherever i go so i can immediately snapshot these moments and upload them. again, no promise because i have to admit, i am so damn lazy these days ;P.

新年快乐!!! @ 1/23/2009 05:21:00 PM

hi hi hi....

before i escape off to my lunar new year holiday, let me take this opportunity to wish all: -




most importantly..........WORLD PEACE!!!! (very lame, right???? .... but .... i like leh ;P)

Hong Kong No More...But Taiwan Maybe @ 12/29/2008 01:16:00 PM

i have since returned on 21 dec but as usual, i shall explain no more why i took so darn long to post...people who knows me knows why...;P

the trip to hong kong was a good one. it had me recharged though not full batt but almost full. it would definitely been better if this trip was a slightly longer one instead of just 4D3N. nevertheless, I have no regrets in going...more, more, more, please...:D

this 买东西,吃东西 trip also proved how courageous we were. we went with 3 "not-junior-but-not-yet-senior" citizens. caught up with old age, they do hv a bit of problem walking really long distances still they gladly accomodate with us each time we mentioned we are going for more. not only that, my little prince has not been very good boy throughout the journey. he has been really whiney most of the days. well, maybe i should not blame him for that. though he loves shopping but having to shop from morning til dawn proves to be too much for him though he was being carried most of the time. he probably has risen his 'white flag' just that we did not noticed. the only real time we saw him all smiles was when we reached the hotel and when he got to freshen up and walked around the hotel room by himself.

my FIL, my daddy and maybe a small part of my mummy said maybe we should give HK trip a rest. hubby and sister said a definite NO MORE HONG KONG. me? i honestly, do not mind HK again. i have to say that we have yet to really explore 东方之珠 thoroughly.

to be safely back in singapore again, i think the credit goes to my sister and my hubby. they have been busy nagvigating the whole time making sure we did not missed out this exit, that entrance. we did hv a few mistakes here and there but with them around, it was not that difficult to make our way out or our way back each time.

we did not really get to have the fabulous 买东西,吃东西,买东西,吃东西 which i was anticipating but hey, after this experience, maybe we would be more prepared and 'challenged' HK again? but first, i will have to convince ade and del. i need to get them into agreeing that HK is not so bad afterall, u know? :)

we have taken quite a bit of photos in HK and i would love to invite everyone of u to view them at this link, http://picasaweb.google.com/sangenie/HK1821Dec2008#
we are already in the midst of planning to 'challenge' 宝岛 next year. this time round, more people will be involved. so 'Welcome 2 Taiwan', here we come!!!!!

hello ;P, i'm back @ 11/24/2008 12:17:00 PM

hi guys, i'm back.....for a short while....:)

yes, i have been terribly busy with my work that i have no time to blog and update...neither do i have time to go much into Facebook which previously i did almost every single day. all i did was work work work work and work somemore. luckily, i got my sister to help me look after my dog, PomPom, or rather my virtual dog in Facebook. without my sister's care of PomPom, PomPom would have.........., you guys know lah hor.

and, i definitely have to thank my mum, too. while i was busy doing house visits all those weekends, she was busy looking after my imping. she is supposed to have good rest during weekends but because i had to work, she has to look after jayden...i truly appreciate her help.

with my family's and my hubby's help, my load has indeed lighten quite a bit. jayden did his part in helping and his part was rather substantial, too. his smile, his blabbering, his hug and kisses helped to soothe my everyday tension and pressure....that is why i always say, i can always count on my family whenever i need help. differences we might have but then never say NO when we need each other's assistance....

i have so much i wanna blog about....and for a while, i do not know which one to start.

probably i can start with my birthday's celebration. how about that? i do not have any photos to show but then i will try to get them uploaded soon....but then....no promise hor...? i can get rather lazy, you know...;P

i told Del that i wanna take a ride on Singapore Flyer and wanted it especially on my birthday. i was simply elated when he agreed without even considering. not only did he take me for a ride, he took my whole family together with my 4th aunt. wait wait wait...before that happened, i must die die mentioned about this....this simply made me touched to the brim. i received flowers from both my hubby and my sister. trust me! when i received them, tears welled up in my eyes upon receiving these beautiful flowers. my hubby's flowers shortly after i reached office while my sister's arrived just before i knocked off. the flowers managed to start and end my work day perfectly :D :D :D A little secret to reveal. when my hubby saw the other bouquet i was holding, he was 'jealous' for a while. he thought that was from some Tom Dick Harry....now i can confirm guarantee plus chop that 我的老公是爱我的.....;).

we took the Singapore Flyer first before having dinner. surprisingly, Jayden was a very well-behaved boy that day. del told me before he came by to fetch me, he was telling my boy that he must be a good boy and not to make his mummy angry because it was his mummy's birthday. pure coincidence or he really understand? i prefer to believe it's the latter ;P

we had a sumptous dinner thus everyone could not stomach anymore food. we wanted to forsake the birthday cake but my lovely hubby felt that a birthday without a cake is not a birthday thus he went to get me a teeny-weeny one for me to cut...so sweet.

this year's celebration was simply sweet, nice and simple....

i wanna thank each and everyone who sent me messages and presents for my birthday. it was indeed heart-warming to know that you guys still remember....thank you once again...:D

well, i guessed i have written quite abit after 'my returns'. i shall stop here and continue when i got more time....

til then, ciao guys!